Catal Huyek (Artifacts)

This page is all about the settlement of Catal Huyek (Çatalhöyük).

10 Artifacts:

1. Seated mother goddess figurine

     This clay figurine depicts a seated mother, that is probably regarded as a goddess due to her stature and two symbolic animals on either side of her. This is 16.5 cm tall (without head) and is from around 5800 BC It was also found in a grain bin. Source:

2. Flint Dagger

This flint dagger shows that the people from the people from the era had excellent tool-making skills and had knowledge about how to use the raw materials to their advantage. It is unknown about the origins of this object, but it is probably made of tabular flint. It is  also 176 mm long. Source:

3. Five Bone Rings

These five bone rings have been cut from one single bone and were found on the left hand of a juvenile skeleton. Due to the wear evidence, this person probably wore them during his/her lifetime as well. Source:

4. Relief of a Couple Embracing
This artifact is made of schist and portrays a couple embracing each other on the left side and a mother and child on the right. It dates back to 6000-5500 BC and is 11.5 cm tall. Source:

5. Small pot
This object is made of clay and may have been used for drinking water. It is significantly smaller and more intact than similar artifacts as well. Source:

6. Hunting Drawing
This wall drawing depicts several men hunting a wild stag and boar. This image suggests that they hunted in groups and were very knowledgeable about hunting in that area. Source:

7. Map Of Catal Huyek
This is believed by many to be a map of Catal Huyek. It dates back to 6200 BC. This is very helpful to archaeologists to try and figure out this ancient civilization. Source:

8. Stone Pendant
This stone pendant was found between a disturbed femur and pelvis bones of skeleton. It could have been apart of some belt, but the burial was disturbed by an excavator in 1955. Some scientists believe this was a tool, but no tools of this shape have been found. It is also 44 mm long and 29.5 mm wide. Source:

9. Small Cooking Pot
This small cooking pot shows scientists that the people of this civilization had great knowledge about cooking. This artifact also includes three pot supports. The pot is 8.5 cm tall, while the pot supports range from 7.9 to 8.6 cm tall. Source:

10. Small Female Figurine
This figurine portrays the "mother goddess". It is only 1.8 cm tall and 2.2 cm wide. It is one of the smallest figurines ever found in that area and is from the first half of the sixth millennium BC. Source:

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